Fenomena.. Quallcom udah makin sukses??

Atau fenomena.. udah ga zamannya buat HP mahal2??


Apapun emailnya.. apapun devicenya.. yang penting sampe di Gmail
From: Muhammad
Sent: Sabtu, 19 April 2014 09.12
To: id-android@googlegroups.com; Gadtorade
Reply To: id-android@googlegroups.com
Subject: [id-android] WTI: The first 50,000 unit of ZTE V5 smartphone is sold out in just 17 second

Ga Xiaomi ga Huawei ga ZTE, cepet banget sold out nya hanya dalam hitungan detik. Fenomena apakah ini?

The first 50,000 unit of ZTE V5 smartphone is sold out in just 17 second


ZTE has officially launch the ZTE V5 smartphone on April 9, and now after 10 days, the ZTE has selling the ZTE v5 on the market, through the Jing Dong Mall.

According to Chinese microblogging site, the ZTE is claimed that they successfully to sold more than 50,000 unit of ZTE V5 smartphone (actually in 53,587 units) in just 17 second.
ZTE V5 is the first smartphone that comes with 4G connectivity, so the comsumer is looking for the high-end smartphone to pleasure their life.
The new ZTE V5 smartphone is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 quad-core processor, sports with 1GB of RAM and 4GB of ROM. The phone is packs with 5-inch Sharp HD 720P screen, and coupled with 5 megapixel front facing camera and 13 megapixel rear facing camera combination. The phone is also running their own user interface that also available in Nubia phone, that’s the NeoVision 3.0 UI.

Sent by gReader


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