Berarti.. sepertinya.. Project Ara ya?

Apapun emailnya.. apapun devicenya.. yang penting sampe di Gmail
From: bagus™
Sent: Jumat, 2 Mei 2014 16.56
To: ID-Android
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Subject: Re: [id-android] Motorola's May 13th press event will introduce a phone "made to last" and "priced for all" [feedly]

"made to last" kan?
sebelum kiamat bisa lah masuk indo :D

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 12:54 PM, dessy motolovers <> wrote:
di Indonesia kapaaaan? ;)

2014-05-02 11:13 GMT+07:00 bagus™ <>:

"made to last"

moga2 ara deh

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Eko Prasetiyo <> wrote:


Motorola’s May 13th press event will introduce a phone “made to last” and “priced for all”
// Android Phone Fans

Mark your calendars for yet another device reveal in weeks to come. Motorola has set a date for May 13th in London, where they’ll be announcing a new phone that is “made to last” and will be “priced for all.” Whatever it is, it sounds like it’ll be affordable, yet powerful. Cheap, yet cool and capable.

There’s no indication whether or not this will be the follow up to last year’s Moto X just yet. The timing would be off, with last year’s model being announced in August for a late summer launch. That doesn’t mean much, though, as all of the flagships from top OEMs this year have come quite a bit earlier than their predecessors.

If it is the follow-up to the Moto X, we’re told it will come with a myriad of customization options through Moto Maker. The standard colored plastic of last year’s model will return alongside premium wood backings.

New to that party are premium leather backings for people who are into that sort of thing. We don’t know much about the phone outside of the lavish looks we expect it to have, though, so we’ll just have to use our imagination until we stumble upon something more solid.

More likely is the Moto E, an entry-level handset from the OEM that should be even more affordable than the Moto G was. We don’t have many hard details on it yet, but we’re not expecting the world here. Then again, Motorola won’t be expecting an arm and a leg for it, either.

But all of this talk is moot if Motorola’s announcement ends up being totally different, so we’ll be looking ahead to May 13th and circling our calendars for the big day. Be sure to do the same on your end and make sure to circle back to Phandroid for all the latest.

[via Engadget]


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