Apa nasibnya bakal sama spt ZTE?


On Sat, 28 Apr 2018, 8:10 AM Defriando Riza, <defriando.r...@gmail.com>

> Fyi..
> The department claims Huawei violated sanctions with Iran.
> Like it says above the title of this article, the hits really do keep
> coming against Huawei. According to a new report from The Wall Street
> Journal, Huawei is now being criminally investigated by the United States
> Justice Department for violating sanctions the U.S. has with Iran.
> Unfortunately, that's about all we know for the time being. It's uncertain
> how deep into the investigation the Justice Department is, and when asked
> for comment, Huawei declined to say anything.
> This news follows Huawei's recent announcement on April 18 that it would
> be shifting its focus to existing markets and away from the U.S., and that
> came as a response to back-to-back attacks against the company from the
> U.S. government since the beginning of the year.
> ZTE has also been faced with similar heat, albeit more damaging as the
> Department of Commerce hit it with a seven-year ban from using any software
> or hardware components that are exported from the United States –
> effectively stopping its smartphone business in the country.
> It's possible that further allegations against Huawei could result in a
> similar fate as we saw with ZTE, but since so little is known about this
> new investigation, we can't make too great of assumptions for the time
> being.
> Based on what we've seen so far, do you think the United States' hostility
> towards Huawei is warranted?
> ZTE is DOA, but has the U.S. government gone too far?
> Read full article at
> https://www.androidcentral.com/huawei-being-criminally-investigated-us-justice-department
> Not lapan
> --
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