Hello Michael,

It's nice to know you! Welcome to Indonesia! Yes there is ID Ruby
(Ruby Indonesia Community) monthly informal technical meetup. I think
it's time to have our jakarta.rb social gathering with you as our
special guest!

Here is the facebook event and invitation for our gathering http://tr.my/1YB

See you at Thai & I Restaurant at Pondok Indah Mal 1 South Jakarta on
Saturday, August 8th, 2009 at 5pm!

If you're not that clear about that restaurant place you can call Goj
(one of Jakarta.rb Ruby Enthusiatics) at 081803081790

2009/7/31 Michael Smith <m...@treecode.com>:
> Hello Arie,
> I stumbled upon your blog after looking for Ruby (and rails) people in
> Indonesia. And I noticed I just missed Jakarta.rb
> What's the next Ruby related event coming up? Is there a monthly (informal)
> meet up?
> I am a freelance RoR developer, I moved to Indonesia (Jakarta Selatan) 1
> year ago and I live here with my Indonesian wife and family.
> Before moving here I was working in a pure rails web development company
> called Spinbits, based in Dubai.
> I work freelance on one professional rails project, a media portal and
> management system at www.tcf-me.com and I started some rails pet projects in
> my spare time. One of them is klasifikasia.com, a classifieds website for
> Indonesia.
> I'm very interested to meet the Ruby / Rails community here and share
> experiences, thoughts.
> I hope this e-mail finds you well,
> Best regards,
> Michael
> --
> Michael Smith
> treecode.com
> klasifikasia.com

be agile XOR break; http://ariekusumaatmaja.wordpress.com/about

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