A husband complaining and make a wish...
Oh Lord, please have mercy on me,
I work so hard,.....meantime my wife stays at home.
I would give anything if you would grant me one wish
"switch me into my wife". She's got it easy at home.
I want to teach her a lesson of how tough a man's life is.
As God was listening he felt sorry for this soul and granted his wish.
Next morning the "new woman" wakes up at dawn, makes lunch boxes, prepares
breakfast, wakes up the kids for school, puts a load of clothes in the
washer, takes the meat out of the freezer, drives the kids to school;
On his way back stops at the gas station, goes to the bank to cash a cheque,
pays the electricity and phone bills, picks up the husband's clothes from
the cleaners, and quickly goes to the market.
It was 1:00 p.m. already; he made the beds, took the clothes out of the
washer and put another load in; he vacuumed the house, made some rice,
washed the breakfast dishes, went to pick up the kids from school and had an argument with the kids on the way home. Dropped one off at ballet, one at soccer practice, and one at swimming lessons and then went back and picked them all up again.
As soon as he got home he fed the kids, washed another load of dirty dishes;
hung the damp clothes he had washed on the chairs because it was raining outside.
He helped the kids with their homework, watched some TV while he ironed some
clothes; prepared dinner, gave the kids a bath and put them to sleep.
At 9:00 p.m. he was so tired he went to bed. Of course there was some more
duties from the husband and somehow he managed them also and finally fell asleep.
The next morning he prays to God once again:
Oh Lord, what was I thinking when I asked you to grant my wish, I can't take
it anymore. I beg you please switch me back to myself, please oh please.
Then he hears God's voice speaking to him, saying:
Dear son, of course I'll switch you back into yourself, but there's one minor detail,'ll have to wait 9 months......
....... last night you got pregnant!

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"Morning greetings doesn't only mean saying 'Good Morning'.
It has silent message saying that I remember you when I wake up.
Wish you have a Great Day!" -- Ida & Krisna

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