Lah death begins at 40? Abis meninggal terus ngapain? Mungkin life ends at
40 kali ya.



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of rgear
Sent: 15 Februari 2007 16:14
Subject: Re: Ida Arimurti 10 things to do by 40 ... to be healthy at 80


ati-ati .... sekarang ini bukan jaman life begins at 40, tapi death begins
at 40 ......

Ida arimurti <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <>> wrote:
10 things to do by 40 ... to be healthy at 80

1. Take more exercise

We all know that exercise is good for your heart and lungs, help to build up
bone strenght and keeps you supple. But regular exercise is also anti-ageing
and can take at least 10 years off your looks. 

Research on cyclist in Sweden shows that even moderate exercise activated up
to 500 healthy genes. Keeping active is good for your mind, too - it
enhances blood flow to the brain, which helps to reduce the risk of stroke.
It can also improve your cognitive processing and memory.

2. Act now to prevent osteoporosis

One in two women over the age of 50 breaks a bone due to osteoporosis - a
condition which begins in your 30s and 40s - yet survey by the National
Osteoporosis Society found that 20% of women eat less diary products intake,
either through diary products or supplements, do plenty of weight-bearin
exercise and have a bone scan to see if your bone density drops in years to

3. Keep your mind active

Learn a language. Brain power can last as long as we do, but the brain needs

A Canadian study found that people who spoke two languages throughout their
life delayed the onset of dementia by at least four years compared to those
who only spoke one.

In addition, a study by University College London in 2004 found that people
who had learned a second language before the age of 40 had more advanced and
lasting grey matter.

4. Watch your weight

Obesity is set to be one of the main killers of the 21st century - even
outstripping cancer.

A review of eight breast cancer research projects showed that pre-menopausal
woman who had the smallest waist or a low hip-to-waist ratio were less
likely to get berast cancer.

Obesity leads to a range of health issues, many of which shorten life. Your
heart will struggle, your weight-bearing joints won't last, you will do less
exercise so your lungs wont function well, you will sleep badly and the food
you take in is likely to be unhealthy.

Start early - weight is harder to shift the older you get, but slimming down
can quickly reverse these problems

5. Eat superfoods

Fruit and vegetables all include antioxidants, which are essential for
mopping up the harmful free radicals in your body.

Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna contain large amounts of omega
3, the fatty acid which has been shown to lower blood pressure and
cholesterol levels, reduse arthritic inflammation and improve brain power.

Proven anti-cancer foods include broccoli and tomatoes and research from the
University of Illinois shows that combining tomatoes and broccoli is more
effective at reducing prostate cancer tumours than when they are eaten

6. Cut down on sugar and fats

In 2005, Californian researches found that rats who were fed on a junk-food
diet aged quicker and had much less brain power that rats on healthier diet.

Sugar and trans fatty acids are two of the most unhealthy things you can

Trans fatty acids clog up our veins and arteries, and are directly
implicated in heart disease - the biggest killer in the western world

7. Look after your immune system

The Immune system protects us from bacteria and viruses. However, there is a
rogue element ofthe immune system called T-cells which attack the body and
cause rheumatoid arthiritis, diabetes, MS and lupus.

In a healthy person, T=cells are kept in check, but as we get older that
system slows down. Research from the University of California have found
that taking sea anemone extracts blocks T-cell activity. 

The race is now on to synthesise this product.

8. Stay out of the sun

Sunlight produces UVA and UVB, which are both potent damagers of cell DNA.

Sunlight is one of the main causes of skin ageing. We need vitamin D - which
promotes the absorpiton of bone-strengthening calcium - but that comes from
daylight, not just direct sunlight and we dont need much exposure to get our

9. Give up alcohol

Drinking can be enjoyable but it not good for us.

As well as the many chemicals it contains, alcohol is also high in sugar
which is in itself ageing.

Red wine has health properties, such as lowering cholesterol or preventing
colds, but all of these properties are available from other less harmful

10. Keep positive

A British study in 2006 on ageing found that the more optimistic a person is
- the more likely they were engage in healthy behaviour such as drinking and
smoking less, and exercising more.

It is easier to make healthier choices if you are a positive person. You
feed in control of your body and understand that you can make a difference
to your health, whereas being negative leads to a fatalistic attitude
towards your body.

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