On 1/15/2019 10:53 PM, Conrad Rivera wrote:

I am taking a beginning programming class -- CENT 110.  The class uses Geany.  In downloading Python 3, the Professor made Geany the default editor on my new MacPro Laptop 15'.  However, all my files and folders are being trumped by Idle.  It has become a headache because, even though I save in Geany, the Geany icon disappears and is replaced by the idle icon.

idle-dev is about the development of IDLE itself. OS interactions are not controlled by idle maintainers and a bit off-topic here.

In any case, I believe what you call 'the idle icon' is actually the python code icon, which is used by IDLE also. The association between '.py' and an icon and the default for right-click, open-with is set by the python installer (written by our python-on-mac developer). How to change those to something else is a macOS question, not even a python question.

I am a Windows user, Mac neophyte, and have no idea how. To be honest, I don't think changing the icon is appropriate. .py files are python files, not Geany files. (The default opener is another matter.) But it is your machine.

Terry Jan Reedy

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