The IETF Education, Mentoring & Outreach Directorate (emodir) [0]
strives to enhance the productivity of IETF work, expand the
diversity and inclusiveness of the IETF, and enable the IETF to
facilitate technical development and innovation in the Internet. The
directorate is made up of invited individuals actively working on
projects related to the mission of emodir.

Directorate activities are structured around audiences, with specific
activities tailored to per-audience requirements and desired outcomes.
Over the past few years, emodir has been the home for a range of
ongoing activities, including those of the EDU Team and Mentoring. Both
of these will now be formally re-organized under emodir according to
their specific audience. Current target audiences are:

  1. Potential and new IETF participants,
  2. Current IETF participants, and
  3. IETF leadership.

As previously announced [1], Joey Salazar has been ramping up in the
role of co-coordinator with Karen O’Donoghue. Greg Wood has also joined
as a co-coordinator to ensure emodir activities are well supported by
and coordinated with the IETF LLC.

Going forward, emodir will hold recurring meetings that will be open to
observers in addition to emodir members. The emodir mailing list itself
is open to all IETF participants and you are invited to join by
submitting a subscription request:

I encourage anyone interested in helping the IETF work better to get
involved in emodir, and take part in current and upcoming projects for
potential, new, and current participants.

Further detail about emodir, including about specific activities, is
available at:

Lars Eggert
IETF Chair

IETF-Announce mailing list

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