[Forwarding this on behalf of the Tao editors - Lars]

Dear all,

I am very happy to announce the new version of the Tao of the IETF [0].

This version significantly benefited from suggestions and contributions by the 
community, most notably from Rich Salz, for which I as editor am very thankful.

This publication would also not have been possible without the support of Greg 
Wood and the review of the IESG.

The IESG requested for future iterations to have smaller changes, so I intend 
to increase the publication pace. However, this also depends on the discussion 
about the future of the Tao.


Editor of the Tao

PS New suggestions are of course always welcome on tao-discuss and on Github as 
PR (https://github.com/ietf/tao/blob/main/Tao.md)

[0] https://ietf.org/tao

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