On 12/10/2022 5:04 PM, Michael Thomas wrote:
What point you are trying to make belittling our contribution

DKIM is objectively an evolution of DomainKeys.  The list I cited that evaluated differences between DomainKeys and DKIM serves to make that pretty clear.

I think that history is worth noting because it considerably extends the experiential base for DKIM's goals and details.  The nature of the changes made in the IETF-related effort aren't irrelevant, but as my list shows, neither were they fundamental.

You dismissed the list because I wrote it -- since ad hominem appears to have a fluid definition -- and did so without engaging with its substance.

I invited you to show a similar comparison with IIM.  For some reason, you think that's unreasonable.

An invitation to provide objective information is not an attack. It is, however, a focus on substance.

I'm pretty sure that's allowed here.  At least sometimes.


Dave Crocker
Brandenburg InternetWorking

Ietf-dkim mailing list

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