I was one of the M3AAWG 57 SF DKIM replay session organizers that helped
put together the slides, so I can try to summarize some of the things in
the slides.  (I was hit with Covid so couldn't attend in person)  M3AAWG
has a confidentiality policy to permit greater knowledge sharing among
participants so I will be sensitive and respectful of those concerns.  So I
apologize if I leave something out, but it might be because something was
indeed sensitive or I suspect it is, and of course I missed the actual
session, so don't know what was said in person.  The following is a high
level outline of the slides/talk:

   - Introduction and description of DKIM replay noting the False-Negative
   and False Positive effects on reputation systems
   - Description of DKIM Replay detection techniques and effects observed
   by senders and receivers
   - Summary of existing DKIM replay mitigations based on tools available
   in RFC6376
   - DKIM development history wrt DKIM Replay
   - M3AAWG 56 Brooklyn BoF / IETF 115 Dispatch proposals
      - Recipient in the signature proposals/drafts
      - Gather per-hop signatures proposals/drafts
      - Problem statement draft

The session reuses some of the IETF 115 Dispatch DKIM Replay slides i.e.
the introduction and proposals, meaning you can find the content there.

Some interesting points:

   - Several senders described using Gmail Postmaster Tools for detection
   of DKIM replay
      - to look for changes to reputation, user reported spam, and volume
   - Summary of existing DKIM replay mitigations based on tools available
   in RFC6376
      - DKIM header oversigning.  Some discussion on which headers.
      - DKIM timestamp and expiry.  Discussion of expiry durations.
      - Signature counting.  Acknowledged False Positives which needs
      support to mitigate, but the claim is DKIM replay isn't a
problem for that
      receiver i.e. highly successful.
      - Key rotation
   - DKIM replay was considered during development of RFC- hence the "x="
   - Advice for DKIM WG success?  To encourage folks to participate in the
   mailing list discussion


On Tue, Mar 7, 2023 at 4:10 AM Laura Atkins <la...@wordtothewise.com> wrote:

> All
> The DKIM working group is now active again (thanks Murray!).  The chairs
> wanted to send out a short note to welcome everyone and talk about our next
> steps.
> Our first deadline is next month - to get a consensus problem statement
> submitted on the IETF data tracker at
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/dkim/
> There is a current problem statement at
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-chuang-dkim-replay-problem/.
> Please take a moment to read through it and provide feedback. This chair
> thinks we should not be providing solutions in the problem statement. We
> should be primarily describing what the issue is and why we think the issue
> is with the protocol. We will deal with solutions in the actual document.
> There was also a DKIM replay session at the most recent M3AAWG meeting. As
> I understand it, they’re working on a BCP in parallel with the IETF. Many
> folks are active in both groups.
> Due to M3AAWG privacy requirements, we are constrained in what we can
> share from the meeting itself. However, if you were here and were on the
> panel or part of the discussions, feel free to share with us some of your
> thoughts on the problem, possible solutions and what your organizations
> have done to address the issue.
> One of the panel members has shared the following from what he said at the
> session:
> * RFC 6376 itself says "x=" is not a viable mechanism to deal with replay.
> * There may only be a best practices solution, and not a protocol solution.
> * DKIM has since the beginning kept itself completely separate from the
> message transport.  Several of the proposed solutions (including mine) take
> leaps of varying sizes into the realm of DKIM knowing something about the
> transport; the lightweight ones connect the message to the envelope
> somehow, and the more heavyweight ones mean DKIM filters have to learn
> about MXes and whatnot.  We have to be absolutely certain that we want to
> break that wall if we go this way, because once we do, there will be no
> turning back.
> There was also a DKIM replay session at the most recent M3AAWG meeting. As
> I understand it, they’re working on a BCP in parallel with the IETF. Many
> folks are active in both groups.
> Due to M3AAWG privacy requirements, we are constrained in what we can
> share from the meeting itself. However, if you were here and were on the
> panel or part of the discussions, feel free to share with us some of your
> thoughts on the problem, possible solutions and what your organizations
> have done to address the issue.
> We will not meet in Yokohama due to the timing of being rechartered, but
> we are considering a one hour interim in April if there appears to be
> points of discussion.
> laura (as chair)
> --
> The Delivery Experts
> Laura Atkins
> Word to the Wise
> la...@wordtothewise.com
> Email Delivery Blog: http://wordtothewise.com/blog
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> Ietf-dkim mailing list
> Ietf-dkim@ietf.org
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