My experience is a bit old, but I had issues of interoperability with a well 
known vendor of large-scale email send. It was very hard to debug the issues, 
and they eventually decided to adopt opendkim, because many were using it 

I’m not saying these nits should be explicitly in the charter as they are 
operational issues, but I did not feel they were captured in the higher-level 

From: Murray S. Kucherawy <>
Date: Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 08:51
To: Franck Martin <>
Cc: Bron Gondwana <>, 
<>, Wei Chuang <>, Richard Clayton 
Subject: Re: [Ietf-dkim] Re: PROPOSAL: reopen this working group and work on 

On Thu, Nov 7, 2024 at 4:26 PM Franck Martin 
<<>> wrote:
A last nit, many standardized on opendkim, because of interoperability. There 
were too many weird things happening between different implementations of 
DKIM1. I don’t know if interoperability should be better addressed (better 
debugging, reporting), or the suggestion that everyone should use the same 

Do you have any examples of such problems?  I thought the interoperability 
testing we did with DKIM was some of the most thorough I've seen in the IETF 
(at least in the applications areas) since I started, so I'm surprised that 
stuff got through.  The only thing I've heard of is [in]consistency around how 
different implementations do [not] implement "x=".

In any event, I agree that we should strive to meet or surpass the thoroughness 
of what we did for DKIM.  On whether the charter has to say that expressly, I'm 
less certain.

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