Hello. Bron Gondwana wrote in <8361f17f-aaf0-4f8e-a1c0-2ec99911b...@app.fastmail.com>: |On Tue, Nov 19, 2024, at 12:14, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote: |> I wondered for myself how the bsdiff algorithm would work out for |> such things. | |This is basically the bsdiff algorithm, but with the syntax converted \ |to be something human readable and header safe.
Thank. Ok, in this case as you show looks very impressive. The algorithm "does not need to patch" several, as you say. Also your message in my inbox and what came over IETF would be addressable like so. But, this is my data point here, it will not work out without full diffs in many other cases. For example i responded to Richard Clayton's message jszrijbynuonf...@highwayman.com https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ietf-dkim/1ZCF-h9rHsL2YT3lTgo_qmIpVGE which seems 7-bit plain (one had to ask him how he sent it) with 20241117030640.wk6r9c7R@steffen%sdaoden.eu https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/ietf-dkim/k4wUEwxJLI_AIU-Q9TXBBhI0gPU that goes out without MIME as such (text/plain 7-bit content-type is optional), but both of these two messages came in via ML as Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 And here the complete text need to be replaced. This is t2*.txt. And *if* (just thinking) that is only a forwarder address like the @FreeBSD.org one of Colin Percival, of CPAN, sourceforge or such kind of, then *possibly* (but likely not) once again. Things are better (for me as a German who effectively writes mostly 7-bit ASCII) for the mentioned OpenGroup server, where you sent eg text/plain; charset="utf-8"/quoted-printable (because of a MIME-folded long line, and a German name with Umlauts etc) and only get the 8-bit conversion. One more question: how about a language which practically always needs UTF-8 with more than one byte per character, ie, an Asian language, and such? For anyone not going the 8-bit way (like myself) this is thus either quoted-printable or base64 right away. Then reencodings to 8-bit are more expensive. Well i do not know, it would have to be tested on real life data; of course one could hope for the future, if it is all 8-bit and if ML software and such stops this reencoding "madness", then.. And, of course, all this pretty much only affects the text parts, large images and such are base64 data and (pretty much) constant. My examples from above, if i pass only the bodies (i will attach them) to bsdiff i get -rw-r----- 1 steffen wheel 2167 Nov 19 21:22 t1-i.txt -rw-r----- 1 steffen wheel 2201 Nov 19 21:22 t1-o.txt -rw------- 1 steffen wheel 236 Nov 19 21:22 t1-patch -rw-r----- 1 steffen wheel 8412 Nov 19 21:22 t2-i.txt -rw-r----- 1 steffen wheel 5932 Nov 19 21:22 t2-o.txt -rw------- 1 steffen wheel 4350 Nov 19 21:23 t2-patch Hm. Ok let me remove the bzip2 stuff from bsdiff.. Here is the same without, and then running plzip and zstd on the uncompressed binary data; this still has the normal header and such (note i have not yet looked at all, it may very well be that patches at position 0 or "EOT" could be optimized away etc etc. plzip -9 and zstd -19 -rw------- 1 steffen wheel 142 Nov 19 21:48 t1-patch-2.lz -rw------- 1 steffen wheel 116 Nov 19 21:48 t1-patch-2.zst -rw------- 1 steffen wheel 4654 Nov 19 21:48 t2-patch-2.lz -rw------- 1 steffen wheel 4577 Nov 19 21:48 t2-patch-2.zst It would be interesting to know how your implementation of the algorithm works out for those (and the "real" vcsdiff implementation i have seen is huge). Would be cool if it is superior, of course. You know, .. the "DKIM now horny" draft i will write anyway (because why not, it only extends DKIM/6376) will include diffing, it will state that normalized headers shall come first, followed by normalized body, all this to be diffed and optionally compressed (but decompressing MUST be supported; just today Antonio Diaz Diaz posted "Lunzip 1.15-rc1 released", very small decompressor only). Then, if additional headers are to be included these have to be prepended, like trace headers for an email; maybe that special case can be optimized away very easily (from bsdiff .. for now). Regarding licenses these are BSD 2-clause, MIT, and i think lzip is available as public domain (despite the IETF draft variant). The nice thing about all that long time matured software is that it is very small, statically linking them all in is no problem; on FreeBSD: -rw------- 1 steffen wheel 19992 Nov 19 21:58 bsdiff.o -rw------- 1 steffen wheel 14904 Nov 19 21:58 divsufsort.o -rw------- 1 steffen wheel 43928 Nov 19 21:58 sssort.o -rw------- 1 steffen wheel 32848 Nov 19 21:58 trsort.o -rw------- 1 steffen wheel 19000 Nov 19 21:58 utils.o #|f-1400:/tmp/z$ ll bsdiff -rwx------ 1 steffen wheel 49200 Nov 19 21:58 bsdiff* #|f-1400:/tmp/z$ strip bsdiff #|f-1400:/tmp/z$ ll bsdiff -rwx------ 1 steffen wheel 46200 Nov 19 21:58 bsdiff* and on Linux: -rwxr-x--- 1 steffen steffen 105696 Nov 19 22:01 minilzip* This is en- plus decoding, statically linked (lzlib). --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt) | |And in Fall, feel "The Dropbear Bard"s ball(s). | |The banded bear |without a care, |Banged on himself fore'er and e'er | |Farewell, dear collar bear
Hello! Joshua M. Clulow wrote in <CAEwA5n+LAJU5pKB==vodiApr4DLV+t3s2D=w=h8_16za3d_...@mail.gmail.com>: |On Wed, 30 Oct 2024 at 16:20, Steffen Nurpmeso via austin-group-l at |The Open Group <austin-grou...@opengroup.org> wrote: |> elif command -v kstat >/dev/null 2>&1; then |> i=$(PERL5OPT= kstat -p cpu | awk ' |> BEGIN{no=0; FS=":"} |> {if($2 > no) max = $2; next} |> END{print ++max} |> ') |> [ $? -eq 0 ] && NPROC=$i |> fi |> export NPROC | |FWIW, you can just use "psrinfo -t" (for "totals") if you want the |online CPU count, at least on illumos systems: | | $ uname -a | SunOS vulcan 5.11 helios-2.0.22694 i86pc i386 i86pc | | $ PERL5OPT= kstat -p cpu | awk 'BEGIN { no = 0; FS = ":"; } | { if ($2 > no) max = $2; next; } | END{ print ++max; }' | 48 | | $ psrinfo -t | 48 Thank you. This does not seem to be portable to elder machines of the OpenCSW cluster to which i thankfully have access to, whereas the older thing -- Jörg Schilling gave me this hint in the past, you know -- works also there: #?0|kent:steffen$ ssh sdao...@login.opencsw.org ... Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005 ... #?255|login:sdaoden$ ssh unstable9s Last login: Mon Sep 23 21:50:30 2024 from login.bo.opencs Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.9 Generic May 2002 .. #?0|unstable9s:sdaoden$ psrinfo -t /.SUNWnative/usr/sbin/psrinfo: illegal option -- t usage: psrinfo [-v] [-p] [processor_id ...] psrinfo -s [-p] processor_id #?2|unstable9s:sdaoden$ echo $NPROC 32 But thanks, i think i could test this inside () and check $?, it likely is still better than running a complete perl session. Will do. --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt) | |And in Fall, feel "The Dropbear Bard"s ball(s). | |The banded bear |without a care, |Banged on himself fore'er and e'er | |Farewell, dear collar bear
Hello! Joshua M. Clulow wrote in <CAEwA5n+LAJU5pKB=3D=3DvodiApr4DLV+t3s2D=3Dw=3dh8_16za3d_...@mail.gmail.co= m>: |On Wed, 30 Oct 2024 at 16:20, Steffen Nurpmeso via austin-group-l at |The Open Group <austin-grou...@opengroup.org> wrote: |> elif command -v kstat >/dev/null 2>&1; then |> i=3D$(PERL5OPT=3D kstat -p cpu | awk ' |> BEGIN{no=3D0; FS=3D":"} |> {if($2 > no) max =3D $2; next} |> END{print ++max} |> ') |> [ $? -eq 0 ] && NPROC=3D$i |> fi |> export NPROC | |FWIW, you can just use "psrinfo -t" (for "totals") if you want the |online CPU count, at least on illumos systems: | | $ uname -a | SunOS vulcan 5.11 helios-2.0.22694 i86pc i386 i86pc | | $ PERL5OPT=3D kstat -p cpu | awk 'BEGIN { no =3D 0; FS =3D ":"; } | { if ($2 > no) max =3D $2; next; } | END{ print ++max; }' | 48 | | $ psrinfo -t | 48 Thank you. This does not seem to be portable to elder machines of the OpenCSW cluster to which i thankfully have access to, whereas the older thing -- J=C3=B6rg Schilling gave me this hint in the past, you know -- works also there: #?0|kent:steffen$ ssh sdao...@login.opencsw.org ... Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005 ... #?255|login:sdaoden$ ssh unstable9s Last login: Mon Sep 23 21:50:30 2024 from login.bo.opencs Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.9 Generic May 2002 .. #?0|unstable9s:sdaoden$ psrinfo -t /.SUNWnative/usr/sbin/psrinfo: illegal option -- t usage: psrinfo [-v] [-p] [processor_id ...] psrinfo -s [-p] processor_id #?2|unstable9s:sdaoden$ echo $NPROC 32 But thanks, i think i could test this inside () and check $?, it likely is still better than running a complete perl session. Will do. --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt) | |And in Fall, feel "The Dropbear Bard"s ball(s). | |The banded bear |without a care, |Banged on himself fore'er and e'er | |Farewell, dear collar bear
UmljaGFyZCBDbGF5dG9uIHdyb3RlIGluDQogPEpTWlJpSkJ5blVPbkZBR2hAaGlnaHdheW1hbi5j b20+Og0KIHwtLS0tLUJFR0lOIFBHUCBTSUdORUQgTUVTU0FHRS0tLS0tDQogfEhhc2g6IFNIQTEN CiB8DQogfEluIG1lc3NhZ2UgPDIwMjQxMTE2MjA0OTM1LmRDYjBtUWNHQHN0ZWZmZW4lc2Rhb2Rl bi5ldT4sIFN0ZWZmZW4NCiB8TnVycG1lc28gPHN0ZWZmZW5Ac2Rhb2Rlbi5ldT4gd3JpdGVzDQog fA0KIHw+SGF2aW5nIHNhaWQgdGhhdCwgaWYgaXQgaXMgcmVhbGx5IGFjY2VwdGFibGUgdG8gaW5j bHVkZSB0aGUgZW50aXJlDQogfD5oaXN0b3J5IG9mIGNoYW5nZXMgaW4gdGhhdCAic3RhY2siIHRo YXQgZW1haWwgaGVhZGVycyBmb3JtIChoaWhpOg0KIHw+eWVzIHBsZWFzZSwgaSBmaW5kIGl0IGFi c3VyZCB0aGF0IHRoZXNlIHRoaW5ncyBoYXZlIHRvIGJlIG51bWJlcmVkDQogfD5naXZlbiB0aGlz IGlzIGEgc3RhY2s7DQogfA0KIHx0aGVyZSBpcyBhIGJlbGllZiAocGVyaGFwcyBub3Qgd2VsbC1m b3VuZGVkKSB0aGF0IHRoZXJlIGFyZSBzeXN0ZW1zIG91dA0KIHx0aGVyZSB0aGF0IHJlb3JkZXIg aGVhZGVycy5bLl0NCg0KVGhhdCBpcyBhIGdvb2QgcXVlc3Rpb24uICBIYXMgdGhpcyBldmVyIGJl ZW4gdHJ1bHkgdmVyaWZpZWQNCmkgdGhpbmsgYWxtb3N0IHR3ZW50eSB5ZWFycyBhZ28gd2hlbiBE S0lNIHdhcyAvIHByZWRlY2Vzc29ycyB3ZXJlDQppbnZlbnRlZCwgYW5kICpleHBsaWNpdGx5KiBk b2N1bWVudGVkIGFzDQoNCiAgIFRoZSBES0lNLVNpZ25hdHVyZSBoZWFkZXIgZmllbGQgU0hPVUxE IGJlIHRyZWF0ZWQgYXMgdGhvdWdoIGl0IHdlcmUgYQ0KICAgdHJhY2UgaGVhZGVyIGZpZWxkIGFz IGRlZmluZWQgaW4gU2VjdGlvbiAzLjYgb2YgW1JGQzUzMjJdIGFuZCBoZW5jZQ0KICAgU0hPVUxE IE5PVCBiZSByZW9yZGVyZWQgYW5kIFNIT1VMRCBiZSBwcmVwZW5kZWQgdG8gdGhlIG1lc3NhZ2Uu DQoNCndoZW4gc3RhbmRhcmRhcmRpemVkLCBhbmQgd2hlcmUgdGhlIHJlZmVyZW5jZWQgUkZDIHNh eXMgZWcNCg0KICAgV2hlbiB0aGUgU01UUCBzZXJ2ZXIgYWNjZXB0cyBhIG1lc3NhZ2UgZWl0aGVy IGZvciByZWxheWluZyBvciBmb3INCiAgIGZpbmFsIGRlbGl2ZXJ5LCBpdCBpbnNlcnRzIGEgdHJh Y2UgcmVjb3JkIChhbHNvIHJlZmVycmVkIHRvDQogICBpbnRlcmNoYW5nZWFibHkgYXMgYSAidGlt ZSBzdGFtcCBsaW5lIiBvciAiUmVjZWl2ZWQiIGxpbmUpIGF0IHRoZSB0b3ANCiAgIG9mIHRoZSBt YWlsIGRhdGEuDQoNCmFuZCBpbiAiNC40IFRyYWNlIEluZm9ybWF0aW9uIg0KDQogICBBbiBJbnRl cm5ldCBtYWlsIHByb2dyYW0gTVVTVCBOT1QgY2hhbmdlIG9yIGRlbGV0ZSBhIFJlY2VpdmVkOiBs aW5lDQogICB0aGF0IHdhcyBwcmV2aW91c2x5IGFkZGVkIHRvIHRoZSBtZXNzYWdlIGhlYWRlciBz ZWN0aW9uLiAgU01UUA0KICAgc2VydmVycyBNVVNUIHByZXBlbmQgUmVjZWl2ZWQgbGluZXMgdG8g 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Richard Clayton wrote in <jszrijbynuonf...@highwayman.com>: |-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- |Hash: SHA1 | |In message <20241116204935.dCb0mQcG@steffen%sdaoden.eu>, Steffen |Nurpmeso <stef...@sdaoden.eu> writes | |>Having said that, if it is really acceptable to include the entire |>history of changes in that "stack" that email headers form (hihi: |>yes please, i find it absurd that these things have to be numbered |>given this is a stack; | |there is a belief (perhaps not well-founded) that there are systems out |there that reorder headers.[.] That is a good question. Has this ever been truly verified i think almost twenty years ago when DKIM was / predecessors were invented, and *explicitly* documented as The DKIM-Signature header field SHOULD be treated as though it were a trace header field as defined in Section 3.6 of [RFC5322] and hence SHOULD NOT be reordered and SHOULD be prepended to the message. when standardardized, and where the referenced RFC says eg When the SMTP server accepts a message either for relaying or for final delivery, it inserts a trace record (also referred to interchangeably as a "time stamp line" or "Received" line) at the top of the mail data. and in "4.4 Trace Information" An Internet mail program MUST NOT change or delete a Received: line that was previously added to the message header section. SMTP servers MUST prepend Received lines to messages; they MUST NOT change the order of existing lines or insert Received lines in any other location. and 5321bis discussion touched this topic if i recall correctly. Anyhow it is plain that RFC 5321 software knows about the notion and the pressing need to treat a message as "a stack". This is true since RFC 822 from 1982, where one can read 4.3. TRACE FIELDS Trace information is used to provide an audit trail of mes- sage handling. In addition, it indicates a route back to the sender of the message. "An audit trail" means trace headers form a sequential well sequence -- please let me Cc: emailcore@ as the new wording is in my opinion by far worse than what RFC 822 says, indeed. But now the fun of it: it seems according IETF methodology RFC 822 is actually *the* standard that counts, at least until RFC 5321bis is released, *if* i got that. If that isn't funny, you know. If i add these things together i see DKIM signatures as part of a stack. Sure, this is SHOULD not MUST, and the newer SMTP RFCs dilute (sorry, dear John!) the notion one can get, i really perceive RFC 822 so that i think Douglas McIlroy could bask in this concise text. (No more SMTP below this point.) But, really, ever since i look i have yet to see that reordering of DKIM signatures took place. Oh, reordering happens super frequently for all address fields (including sender, reply-to etc), subjects, date, and in general all those fields that can be seen in MUAs and mailing-lists, as well as spam etc milters, prepended, appended, scrambled even, and the emlm mailing-list manager is likely alone in its quest to prepend the List- headers, whereas all others "append" (or better, insert somewhere at the tail, mlmmj "more heavily" so than mailman). That is, all over the place. But it seems DKIM-Signature and Authentication-Results is not along those. I say thus, let it happen. Make it a MUST. It is a trace header. All relevant persons listen here (on emailcore). Any MTA developer or giant appointed specialist whose software does not comply could speak out. They listen, they then (as appointed specialists) even know RFC 822 is the "real thing", hence it is crystal clear that trace is an audit trail and thus sequential. (It is not as if anyone cares for this -- how much is it, 1 percent or less? -- tiny corner of the internet that is not covered by the giants (and/or their software), by postfix, exim, qmail, opensmtpd (and all those comply), anyhow. What belief is this you are talking about? ((It is overengineering.)) |[.]Numbering means that these can be tolerated |the actual cost of numbering is very low, and it provides significant |clarity and reassurance -- so I don't know why you are arguing it should |not be present in the design -- and I am even less clear what it has to |do with the proposed charter for a Working Group Ah. Methodology. |- -- |richard Richard Clayton | |Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary |Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. Benjamin Franklin 11 Nov 1755 Off-topic, but what is "liberty"? Under-educated under-informed under-aware (and how did they get *there*?) people making greedy decisions. Over 76 percent loss of life (diversity) since 1970, the Club of Rome "the limits to growth" report of 1972 it is we comply to completely -- so much to "clarity and reassurance", hah!. I have a techno song as part of a set of a wordwide known DJ from around Y2K that i truly could find, it says "Freedom is relevant. Self-determination is relevant. You must comply". And sorry, the white man has simply failed. He never embraced the problem and paved a way for "the whole thing". And never will. Other civilizations and philosophies did (at least *think*) so before ours existed. |-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- |Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 | |iQA/AwUBZzlJ8t2nQQHFxEViEQLJSQCg9WYPovauvcaZZddKq39S0JDC9pIAnjpm |x9w8oAzvWwSb4bNYUy8NeD7t |=+Muk |-----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --End of <jszrijbynuonf...@highwayman.com> --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt) | |And in Fall, feel "The Dropbear Bard"s ball(s). | |The banded bear |without a care, |Banged on himself fore'er and e'er | |Farewell, dear collar bear
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