This is a small 2 days collection break down of the signed mail coming in:

- total msgs  :    67028
- dkim_sign   :     1779  (2.7% signed)

- dkim_pass   :     89.9%
- dkim_fail   :     10.1%
   --    25.9% : dkim_body_hash_mismatch
   --    14.0% : dkim_signature_bad
   --    37.6% : dkim_signature_bad_but_testing
   --    15.2% : dkim_selector_dns_perm_failure
   --     2.8% : dkim_selector_invalid
   --     4.5% : dkim_selector_granularity_mismatch

- ADSP domains:     10.7% (of the signed messages)

   --    38.5% : unknown  (78.2% Third Party)
   --    61.5% : all      (13.3% Third Party)
   --     0.0% : discardable

I should probably add a recording which of these has List-IDs, but I 
think the high body hash failures are most list systems.  Its 
interesting to see such a high selector failure. I think the 2.8% 
invalid selector has to do with mix ups with SPF records.

Hector Santos, CTO

NOTE WELL: This list operates according to

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