Murray S. Kucherawy wrote:

>> How will you state it?
> How about:
> 1.  Introduction
> [...]
> 1.1.  DKIM Architecture Documents
> Readers are advised to be familiar with the material in [RFC4686] 
> and [RFC5585] and [RFC5863], which respectively provide the background 
> for the development of DKIM, an overview of the service, and deployment 
> and operations guidance and advice.
> 1.2.  Signing Identity
> [...]

+1 Perfect.  Very good!  I like it!

Now if we can just be more "DKIM Output Complete" and be z-order 
compatible with the excellent section 1.1, I think I can die and rest 
in peace. :)

Hector Santos, CTO

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