Title: RE: OPES continuing froth....

Mike ,

I am sorry that you feel that way.
I hope that you feel better after your e-mail.

However, your argument/example reminds me with the debate on gun control.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike O'Dell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 9:41 AM
> Subject: OPES continuing froth....
> Well now.  After weeks on the rolling boil, the advocates for
> this effort have confirmed and reinforced my initial opinion:
>       OPES is deeply evil and the IETF should stay far,
>       far away from this hideous abomination
> there is no way this can be anything other than genetically stupid
> and for the IETF to endorse this effort by granting a working group
> amounts to aiding and abetting gross negligence bordering on
> criminal malfeasance.
> the world in general is getting more than a little tired of
>       "It's not *our* fault, we just defined the protocol;
>        other people made the mistake of using it."
> the legal concept of "attractive nuisance" comes to mind
> what about an automobile manufacturer who build something
> with this level of quality and "fitness for purpose" and
> then sold it to an unsuspecting public?   of course they'd
> get sued out the wazoo, and rightly so.
> It's about time for the IETF to shoulder the moral responsibility
> for foisting unalloyed CRAP on the world and say NO to things
> like this.
> There. I feel much better now, for all the good it does.
>       -mo
>       "The Great Oz has spoken!"

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