Hi folks,
I guess it is time to come out of the shadows. As many of you know, Network Sorcery maintains a mirror site with the RFCs. Three years ago we started maintaining home pages for RFC authors so we could collect a listing of contact info, publications they have written and whatever bio info they want to reveal. The contact info gets stale over time.
Yes it is true, we actually try to contact authors using the contact info in their latest RFC. It is also true that I send out a form letter requesting the info. Why would I want to compose the same letter over and over again? If we wanted to spam the largest number of authors this would be the group to send it to. I have tried to be descrete but I guess someone took offence at actually trying to contact him.
It would certainly make my life easier if the IETF would provide a directory that the authors could update themselves. I have volunteered in the past to share this info with the IETF.

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