At 12:46 PM 7/23/2001, Edward Lewis wrote:
>Since a few folks have replied so far....
>At 1:28 PM -0400 7/23/01, Edward Lewis wrote:
> >Also - there have been RJ-45 jacked phones that didn't work for me.  Is it
> >true that there is another phone standard I have forgotten about?
>....I meant RJ-11.  Too much 10*BaseT in my past.

Yes. There is another connector in the UK that is something like BT-6 
(don't quote me on the number) that is their equivalent of our RJ-11. In 
most phone stores, you can buy a converter because (fortunately for us) 
modems, even over there, only support RJ-11 (so some store know them as 
modem adapters).

This, of course, presumes that you can find a hotel with plugs. Many hotels 
are older and have hard wired connections.

Also note: many hotels have only dial phones, so take your cell phone if 
you're planning to fetch voice mail... not for its usability to make calls 
(they have a different system), but rather to generate the tones into the 
hotel phone mouthpiece to make your VM system (over here) respond.


Stephen McHenry
VP, Engineering/CTO
Cacheware, Inc.
655 Campbell Technology Pkwy, Suite 150
Campbell, CA 95008
Ph:  (408) 540-1310
Fax: (408) 540-1305

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