On Fri, 31 Aug 2001 16:49:39 EDT, "Natale, Robert C (Bob)" said:
> To really jump the tracks here (since I'm pretty much just
> rambling on here anyway):  It could be argued that both the
> "dot com" mania and melt-down were attributable -- in large
> part -- to the same mix of evangelistic and journalistic
> misunderstanding of simplicity.

It wasn't simplicity.  It was investor stupidity.  Too many investors
saw the 'e-' in e-commerce and saw some mystical quality that glossed
over the 'commerce' - things that have been understood for hundreds
of years, like "cash flow" and "business plan".  I can guarantee that
even a cobbler in 1100AD understood "I buy leather for X, I sell shoes
for Y, and I need to sell enough shoes so that (Y-X)*n is enough money
that I don't starve".

Many of the dot-bombed had a *very* simple business plan:
"We'll burn investor money while we try to figure out how to make a
profit while giving away the content for free".  Now, this is a
perfectly valid business model - if you're a 501(c) charitable
organization and the investors are called "benefactors".

Now as for MLPS, it sounds to me like a good idea for its original
design goals, but is being promoted for so many other things that
many people are confused - Does it *really* slice, dice, *and*
make Julienne fries?

                                Valdis Kletnieks
                                Operating Systems Analyst
                                Virginia Tech

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