At 08:24 22.12.99 -0800, Dunlap, Randy wrote:
>And can you make the patch(es) available to other
>list maintainers as well.  I know of several other
>mailing lists with this same problem and need.

Since others may want it:

One way to do it for majordomo is to set "administrivia = yes" (note the 
*strange* spelling) in the list config file.
However, I think that catches too much, and use this bunch instead on 

taboo_body          <<  END
/^unsubscribe /i
/^subscribe /i
/^benchmark supply/i

Note that it (by intent) only catches "subscribe" at the BEGINNING of a line.
Expand as needed.....


> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Steve Coya [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 5:01 AM
> > To: Dan Kohn
> > Subject: RE: How to unsubscribe from the [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mailing list.
> >
> >
> >
> > Dan,
> >
> > On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Dan Kohn wrote:
> >
> > >>Several months ago there was a request of Steve Coya on the list to
> > >>implement a simple filter in the IETF's majordomo
> > implementation that
> > >>sidelines all messages that begin with "unsubscribe CRLF"
> > (and preferably
> > >>"unsuscribe", etc.).  I understand this is very easy to do
> > in majordomo and
> > >>that we have numerous majordomo experts on the list who
> > would be happy to
> > >>help out.
> > >>
> > >>I know that Steve is a busy man, but would it be possible
> > to implement this
> > >>soon?
> >
> > Never too busy for the IETF!
> >
> > I don't recall the request of several months ago, but no matter. We'll
> > look into how this can be done and will do it.
> >
> >
> >
> > Steve
> >
> >
> >
>This message was passed through [EMAIL PROTECTED], which
>is a sublist of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Not all messages are passed.
>Decisions on what to pass are made solely by Harald Alvestrand.

Harald Tveit Alvestrand, EDB Maxware, Norway

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