Alan Blount <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've been using the simple set of nroff macros, as described by
> While this works, I'd like to be able to autogenerate section numbers
> and table of contents entries.  This draft doesn't give any guidance.
> I tried the -ms macros, as described by
> but the header macro .NH creates the header in boldface, which is a
> no-no according to RFC 2223.
> I imagine there is a way to do this, but I am ignorant of the
> necessary kung-fu.  Does anyone have a sample nroff file, perhaps a
> draft they've written, that generates heading numbers and a toc?

There are a couple of ways to do it, either by rolling your own macros or by
making a minor change to the ms macros themselves (the approach I took).  I
can send you my macro package if you like; however, it doesn't do automatic
TOC processing.

> Thanks,
> Alan Blount
> -
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