> I don't want to change it (as if I could!), my purpose was to point out 
> that our current network is the sum of our mistakes, not the network 
> equivalent of the Mount Sinai tablets.

no disagreement there.  but the original mistakes in TCP/IP were more-or-less
designed to work together.  when people start deploying their own mistakes
in an ad hoc fashion, and when multiple mistakes get added concurrently,
not only do they break things that assumed that the only mistakes in the 
network were those originally designed-in, the combined effect of those 
new mistakes is far worse than the effect of any of them taken individually.


p.s. I will also argue that the complexities of adding a separate 
application-level identifer and doing without the source address,
are such that had this been done in the original TCP/IP design, 
it would have had a much more difficult time getting deployed 
in the first place.

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