Paul Francis wrote:

> Sean said that traditional multihoming would be "very difficult".
> You replied that "This is not true" (which I take to mean
> that multihoming is not very difficult), and then go on to describe
> something that sounds very difficult to me (maintain longer prefixes,
> make multihomed customers pay for it, get the ISPs to agree to
> handle such longer prefixes).

But these are the same problems that you have with multihoming in IPv4.  So
the assertion is that IPv6 doesn't make it any worse, and tries to make it
less necessary.

|John Stracke    | |My opinions are my own. |
|Chief Scientist |==============================================|
|eCal Corp.      |"Fate just isn't what it used to be." --Hobbes|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|                                              |

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