If memory serves me right, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Don't the Japanese who avoid the use of 4 because it sounds like death?
> I could be wrong, but I seem to remember that.
> Also, I remember hearing that about the Japanese television show "Iron 
> Chef".  Although there are 4 Iron Chefs, the TV program only shows 3 at 
> the most (at a time) to avoid showing or referring to all 4 of them.

Iron Chef on the IETF list...what a great start to the day.  Actually,
there were only 3 Iron Chefs for a long time; I presume you mean that
they never showed all four Iron Chefs on their pedestals rising out of
the ground.  There were actually a number of occasions when all four
Iron Chefs were on the program; two that come to mind were the debut of
the Italian Iron Chef and the "tag team" episode, where all four
competed against each other (Chin and Nakamura vs. Sakai and Kobe).

ObOffTopic:  When I got married, the tables at the wedding banquets (in
.hk and .ca.us) were numbered to skip any number containing a 4 (in
decimal), and we also skipped 13.  ("four" sounds like "death" in
Cantonese also.)


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