Scott Brim wrote:

> At 09:22 PM 11/06/2000 +0000, Bob Braden wrote:
> >Henning,
> >
> >Please see RFC 1025 from Sept 1987, or IEN 160 (online at
> >the RFC Editor web site) for a November 1980 bake off.
> >Is this 20 years ago early enough?
> Since the first Pillsbury Bake-Off was 50 years ago, no.

Well, but if they've failed to defend their trademark for 20 years, maybe
they've lost it.

|John Stracke    | |My opinions are my own.|
|Chief Scientist |=============================================|
|eCal Corp.      |Any sufficiently rigged demo is              |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|indistinguishable from advanced technology.  |

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