At 3:34 PM -0800 12/14/00, John  W Noerenberg II wrote:
>We are here not as corporate representatives, but as individuals 
>committed to building the best Internet we can.  Becoming part of a 
>working group means you leave your company badge at the door.  As 
>the Internet has become more and more a commercial place, and the 
>setting for business and commerce, the pressure to bend the way the 
>Internet works to one's particular advantage at the expense of 
>others increases.
>This is not part of our heritage.  It is not part of our Tao.  We 
>come together because the Internet belongs to no one country, or 
>organization.  Rather it exists for all.  We can look forward to a 
>Net which not only spans the Earth, but gives every person in every 
>country, the opportunity and the means to learn from any other 
>regardless of their home, their beliefs or their physical 
>It is a wonderful thing.  And we must remember it is our 
>responsibility to preserve and enhance it for those who will come 

        So let's change the way we're identified on the badges to
        NOT include organizational identity. And NOT include the
        organizational affiliation(s) on the published attendees list.

        As an adjunct to the above suggestion, how about ISOC offering
        to provide e-mail forwarding (ala IEEE) for IETF participants
        after some number of consecutive meetings attended...

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