At 13:44 15/12/00, Sean Doran wrote:

>Surely the "much pain" is because, as Melinda Shore indicates, 
>some "anti-NAT fanatics" cannot understand the distinction
>between "who" and "where"?   

        I fancy that I know one or two things about ESP
and AH.  Your analysis is Wrong.   The pain has nothing
to do with fanatics of any sort. 

        The root issue with ESP/AH and NAT is that the Internet
Architecture does not currently have a sufficiently rich set 
of namespaces.  In the world of the current Internet Architecture, 
ESP and AH are forced to bind SAs to addresses.  In a different
world, they might be able to bind SAs to a different name.  Some 
folks are exploring which, if any, additional namespaces might 
make sense to add to the architecture.  As this is research, 
not engineering, it is largely happening in the IRTF for now.  
If something comes of it, no doubt an I-D or two will appear 
online for perusal...  


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