This suggestion will I hope generate much heated discussion.  We could
always ask the working group chairs to identify the contributing
members.  Those who submit Internet-Drafts can also be added to the
list.  These members like the WG Chairs, ADs, ... can have stickers
added to their badges.  Those without badges can be asked to leave
when space gets tight.  

> > It makes absolutely no sense to have someone pre-pay a meeting fee, pay to
> > travel to a location, attempt to attend a meeting, and be turned-away.
> I disagree in the strongest possible terms.
> it makes a great deal of sense if the purpose of the meeting is to get 
> technical work done, rather than to spoonfeed people who can't be bothered 
> to read the background material. and we're seeing entirely too much 
> spoonfeeding in meetings these days - witness the tremendous amount of
> precious meeting time that is devoted to presentations of *material
> already explained in the relevant drafts*, rather than discussion.
> OTOH I happen to feel that it's quite useful if IETF folks who 
> actively participate in some WGs, drop in on the meetings of other
> WGs.  we need to encourage cross-pollenation between groups.
> but we don't need to encourage non-participants to attend IETF meetings.
> > In addition, turning away people who wish to attend seems counter to the
> > IETF spirit.
> the IETF spirit has always been to include anyone *who does his/her homework*
> Keith

 Jeffrey Altman * Sr.Software Designer      C-Kermit 7.1 Alpha available
 The Kermit Project @ Columbia University   includes Secure Telnet and FTP             using Kerberos, SRP, and 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]          OpenSSL.  SSH soon to follow.

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