> [PPP over TCP through NATs] doesn't provide any more global address space

Why create more supply when it can be so easy to reduce demand?

This reminds me of California's electricity crisis.  It seems the internet 
administration community can easily do their part for this very fundamental 
aspect of fault-tolerance.  For example, with this kind of a product:


What are the most popular such systems that take advantage of the economies 
of scale involved with not having a different UPS for each system or room 
or building or company or municipality?  

I ask not because I want to perpetuate the status quo, but mainly because 
this kind of thing makes it so much easier to introduce wind power, which 
costs 6 cents per kilowatt-hour, with modular turbine-powered windmills 
that can take less than six months to build.  And although I know 
conservation is a better answer, I don't see people as being too predisposed
towards it in most cases.  If people are so fixated on growth, at least try 
to make sure they don't get themselves in an unsustainable bubble situation.


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