Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:

> But hopefully IETF attendies are of the mindset that can forgo the
> ensuite hotel room for B&B accomodation or the like.


> For travel planning purposes it's important to me that the location
> of the London meeting be announced as early as possible. I doubt
> very much I'll be staying in the conference hotel (or anywhere near
> it), which means I need to book alternate accomodation as early as
> possible.

But, if you're not going to be staying in the conference hotel, you have
more options, and you can book without knowing precisely where the
conference hotel is.

|John Stracke    | |My opinions are my own.  |
|Chief Scientist |===============================================|
|eCal Corp.      |"Your reality, sir, is lies & balderdash, and I|
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]|am pleased to say I have no grasp on it        |
|                |whatsoever!" --Baron Munchausen                |

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