there's a discussion on how to make some simple classes of
assymetric multisender apps work with
SSM, but there's not really anything useful
for genuine multi-peer applications - what is needed is to
revitalise the work on bidir pim, and then retrofit the SSM
addressing (.e. what we proposed in rama/sm work) and maybe now is
the right time to do that since the SSM stuff is seeing deployment,
so we wont be distracting people from their main agenda anymore.

In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Hugh Fisher typed:

 >> I'm building applications for collaborative 3D graphics
 >> using SRM (actually LRMP) multicast on the local Ethernet.
 >> They're peer to peer systems, not in the new buzzword of
 >> the day sense, but in all being equal participants rather
 >> than a client/server design.
 >> My systems have multiple senders, but a per-group routing
 >> tree rather than per-source is fine. In the future I'll
 >> want (like many VR/distributed sim folk) to be able to
 >> allocate from a large range of multicast addresses, say
 >> 12 bits or more. Waiting for IP6 isn't an option.
 >> The "Interconnections" 2nd ed book describes a shared tree
 >> multicast with 8 byte group IDs that would fit my needs
 >> very nicely. Can anyone point me to a working group/mailing
 >> list where I can find out more about this?
 >>     Hugh Fisher
 >>     ANU/CSIRO VE Lab



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