> > But since when was the IETF unaccredited? 

> Ahh.. obviously you don't really understand the Tao of the IETF. ;)

Hey... the IETF is fully accredited in my mind :).  A lot more
accredited than some of the other "accredited" universities around.

Now.. so why did you skip over my comparison of a closest match
to product citizenship?  It's might convenient to give me a list to
work with, which the idea doesn't fit into, and then skip over my own
addition to the list :)

If all products are born proverbially "RICH", and gain the market
acceptance as having been derived from the use of the logo, trust
me, ... your not going to want to lose that logo.

At first would it be meaningless?  Sure.  The logo will have zero
meaning until it makes it's way into a few contracts and the minds
of a few CIOs.  By creating a logo, there has to be demand for
the logo.  The value of the logo is in the demand that it creates,
and in the differentiation of other products that it creates.  
In a competitive market, everyone is looking to differentiate,
accept the people who have proprietary standards at risk.

Fundamentally, the logo is really about giving standards-supporting
products a leg-up in the market.

Well, we can argue this until we're both blue in the face.  

The reality is... you've got my idea on the table.  We absolutely
need something, so what's your idea?  Or are you just saying
don't do it, because it's not part of the IETF.  That may be
the correct answer, I don't know.  That's what we're here to
find out.

Never bring a criticism to the table without a better solution :).

Kyle Lussier

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