Gerry Sancataldo wrote:

> I am involved in the technical support/ training area for fax and 
> internet fax devices and would just like to add that typically a 
> message/transaction is directed to one recipient only.
In part, though, that's because fax machines have limited UIs; they may 
support one-to-many, but they don't usually make it easy.  Fax software 
typically has better UI support for one-to-many, and I believe 
fax-over-IP would lead to software displacing fax machines. 
 Fax-over-POTS software doesn't help if you don't have POTS at your 
desk, which many business users don't; fax-over-IP software would open 
things up more.  So fax-over-IP would probably lead to an increase in 
the prevalence over one-to-many.

|John Stracke                    |Principal Engineer     |
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |Incentive Systems, Inc.|
| |My opinions are my own.|
|This is the .sig that says... Ni!                       |

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