V Guruprasad wrote:

In short,
you continue to have the full socket API with no impediment to its use.

This is misleading.  You say that your main motivation here is to move
the identification role out of IP up to DNS, and moving the resolver
into the kernel is a necessary first step for that.  But it's not a
sufficient first step; to eliminate IP addresses as identifiers, you
have to remove the socket API.

Since you can't strip the id role from names, it must be stripped from
IP, and that's what my thesis is about. ]

You can't strip the ID role from IP, either, unless you provide a new
form of ID for transport protocols to use.

|John Stracke      |[EMAIL PROTECTED]                      |
|Principal Engineer|http://www.centivinc.com                    |
|Centiv            |My opinions are my own.                     |
|If you're going to walk on thin ice, you might as well *dance*!|

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