
Monday, December 9, 2002, 9:52:26 AM, you wrote:
Stephen> The devil is in determining what senders are authorized once we've
Stephen> authenticated them.

The concept of being "authorized" to send someone mail has good logic, but
goes against established human communication practises for mail and
telephone.  (Filtering is common to both, but is different from

Some time ago, Mike O'Dell put forward the idea of "accountable", in the
sense of being able to reach back to the sender, to hold them accountable
for their actions.

The general idea behind pursuing simple authentication presumes that the
really nasty spammers would not want to be identified.  It's not clear how
valid this presumption really would be.

 Dave Crocker  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 TribalWise <>
 t +1.408.246.8253; f +1.408.850.1850

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