Fred Baker wrote:

>> Network Working Group
> The Network Working Group, as such, has not been functional for
> nearly 20 years.

> I personally would like to see us stop attributing documents to them.
> The world has long since moved on, and those who don't recognize it
> date themselves.

Fred, I'd respectfully like to disagree.  I believe the Network Working
Group tag represents the continuity in Internet engineering and
documentation that follows continuously from Steve Crocker's RFC 1
(written April 1969 in a dry bathtub, I believe, so as not to wake the
friends he was staying with) down to the latest RFCs and I-Ds.

I'm not sure that I'm a good enough engineer to have been involved with
the original Network Working Group, but I'm honored to participate in
the design tradition (especially the open publication of informational
and standards documents, rough consensus, working code, etc.) that that
label represents.

          - dan
Dan Kohn <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
<>  <tel:+1-650-327-2600>

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