% Tim writes:
% > But a year ago we didn't have Abilene, GEANT
% > or a large number of European NRENs offering
% > a native IPv6 service.
% A year ago, my parents weren't using IPv6, whereas today ... they still
% aren't using it.  When their connection is IPv6, I'll know that it has
% arrived.

        so, you expect your parents to adopt new technology before
        you do?

% > On the coal face, we can see real progress.
% Wait until the coal is producing power for your microwave before you
% celebrate.

        for many, this is true now. coal is the fuel used to
        generate much of the electrical power... unless, like
        some, they have a "Mr. Fusion"

% > If you want to keep running IPv4, with or without NAT,
% > feel free.
% That's exactly what people will do, until and unless they encounter a
% problem with IPv4 that can only be solved by IPv6.

        Your sweeping generalization does not ring true. 
        However with a willing suspension of disbelief, this 
        might be why the DoD has decided to adopt IPv6.  
        It wants to do things that can't be done w/ IPv4.
        And the IETF should be excited that someone is actually
        considering adopting an IETF work product.

Opinions expressed may not even be mine by the time you read them, and
certainly don't reflect those of any other entity (legal or otherwise).

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