

> > From your message, I can't tell which of those, or of any number of other 
> > possible objections, is the basis of your objection.
> > 
> > BTW - all these things were already being worked on in PPVPN. Some were 
> > even described in the charter.
> Fair question, I probably should have included more text in the first 
> place :-).
> 1. Virtual Private LAN Service.  This is Internet-wise ethernet bridging
> over routing protocols such as BGP, IS-IS, etc; further, this has
> typically little respect for security implications which are implicit (or 
> even explicit) in LAN networks.
> So, my main points are:
>  - we must not overload routing protocols and such infrastructure (IMHO,
> this seems an inevitable path the work would go towards..)
>  - we must not create complexity by deploying ethernet bridging all over
> the Internet.  Our work should be focused on making IP work, not
> specifying Ethernet-over-IP (or worse, Ethernet-over-IP as a *service*).

The proposed charter talks about VPLS "across an IP and an MPLS-enabled
IP network". Such a network does not have to be the Internet.


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