For some reason, the IP in CERNET isn't accessible outside China.
I will solve this problem as soon as possible.

> but I'm more interested in something else: I'd like to see more semantic
> information in search engines. Eventually, this would allow queries
> like "which actors played in movies after books written by authors born
> in Chili in 1961?"

DRIS will give a promising solution for this demand. Only as a web pages
search system, DRIS will download and index all the web pages in three
levels domain and provide standard search interface in every node. The data
format for input and output of this interface is standard XML but not HTML.
DRIS is not a final search engine, but provide the data source for other
personal intelligent system, which is designed by your interest and
knowledge background. XML may be the best data format for most application
system. You can consider DRIS is a mechanism that arranges all HTML source
to XML source.

Certainly, the XML data in DIRS can comply with the W3C's seven
levels'semantic module, which will give great help to design the intelligent
search systems. But now, there still no a system that can understand you
query "which actors played in movies after books written by authors born in
Chili in 1961?" very well and give you a precise answer.

So DRIS just builds the information retrieval infrastructure for Internet,
other work will be left to AI experts.

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