Dear Members of the IESG,

        I read the announcement you made yesterday and I felt deeply
called to it.
        I have very recently released an initial Internet-Draft 
        that deals with some form of adaptive routing that aims at load
balancing flows among   available network resources. As the approach
followed is in an early stage, it       requires some discussion in
order to determine if it meets the common interests of 
        the Internet community. 
        Thus, I was wondering if I could have the opportunity at the
next 59th IETF meeting
        to give a short presentation that would cover the basic
understanding of this I-D.
        I am sure that it would be helpful to get some insight feedback
        through the rtgwg mailing list or during a face-to-face IETF

        Yours sincerly,
        Christophe Proust

        France Telecom R&D
        42 rue des Coutures
        14000 - Caen - France
        +33 2 31 75 93 08

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