grenville armitage wrote:
> Many  moons ago Ed Gerck wrote:
> > > > If someone sends me a message asking for my comment
> > > > because they read some other comment I wrote, do I really
> > > > care who that someone is... or who they know?
> You yourself have identified the criteria 'they read some other comment
> I wrote', not just "they wrote something interesting". I observe
> that the former criteria qualifies as a variant of "...who they know".

We seem to be in agreement that claiming that they know me, or that they 
know something I wrote, is indeed a variant of "who they know". My point
was that "who they know" is useless as a criterium to _block_ email. 
What should matter most, in receiving email from people with no previous 
relationship to me, is the content of such message.

Thus, "who you know" (in whatever variant) should be a bad metric to block 
email (even though it can be used well to accept email). A message should 
be of higher interest to me the less I know the person. That's one thing
we shouldn't break in email.

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