> From: James Denness 

> I am currently involved in a project to create an internet-draft for a
> domain/key based system allowing mail domains to be validated using rsa
> keys, distributed using the DNS system, with minimal modification to
> existing infrastructure. Does a specification for such a system already
> exist? I have many ideas for extentions to the existing SMTP protocol, as
> well as plans for a derivative protocol incorporating this key-based
> system as a more secure and verifiable method of exchanging mail. If
> anyone is interested, I would appreciate being contacted off-list to
> discuss the possible formation of a working group to discuss such ideas.

what about http://ietf.org/html.charters/marid-charter.html ?

It might be interesting to contact the author of
or the authors of the at least half a dozen other proposals to use
public keys or other mechanisms along with the domain name system to
authenticate mail senders.

My rather negative view of the area can be inferred from

Vernon Schryver    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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