I agree completely with Bob.  I want to point out one issue where
vigilance will be important:

On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 12:39:53PM -0700, Bob Hinden allegedly wrote:
> Housing the IETF administrative activity in ISOC seems to me to be a
> much simpler solution to our administrative problems and will require
> much less work to get it set up.  I am concerned that the independent
> approach will take considerably more cycles and work from the IETF
> leadership to get it set up and functioning.  This will take away from
> working on what I consider to be more important problems.  

I agree in principle but part of what got us into this situation was the
feeling that we could just let ISOC (and/or CNRI) just take care of the
non-technical details.  Let's avoid even leaning that way this time.

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