Hi John -

Your note seems like an outlier.  In particular, it takes a really
*strong* stance on protecting people from each other because
people *will* act badly.  For example, the way I read your
note, the IESG will micromanage and the IASA/IAD will order
bagels flown in daily from New York.  Appeals will be a daily
happening and people will hire lawyers instead of working it out.

John's note took a stronger stand than I would have taken, but I happen to agree with most of his points - especially that IASA/IAD effectiveness should be evaluated in large slices. Maybe annually, certainly not decision-by-decision.

In my second marriage, I have learned that in a partnership vital to both parties, I don't get to pick the parts I like and demand that the other parts change. It's a package deal. If the package works, great, but trying to turn a package that doesn't work into one that does, part by part, just isn't worth the aggravation and agony.


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