On 1/21/2005 10:49, Bruce Lilly allegedly wrote:
Verbosity aside, I don't believe that "sole control and custodianship"
applies to open source software. I am not a lawyer, but the "Old text"
seems not only more easily comprehended [I am reminded of Jonathan
Swift's satirical look at lawyers in Gulliver's Travels, and dismayed
that things haven't improved in 275 years] but seems to be considerably
more favorable to open source software than the proposed "new text";
the latter appears to be heavily biased towards commercial software.

I think Jorge's text is much better than what we had. It fills in gaps and eliminates ambiguities.

IETF can still decide whether software developed for it should be made available on an open source basis, but that should be up to the IETF. Jorge's text makes that possible.

Scott Brim

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