The IAB has reviewed draft-ietf-iasa-bcp(-06) and supports the document going forward as the next step in the IETF's administrative restructuring process. The IAB is ready to undertake the roles and responsibilities assigned to it by the document.

As part of the public discussion of this document, people have asked for
various types of reviews of the document from the IAB. In making
the statement above, the IAB is explicitly expressing its commitment
to support the structure once the document is approved. While
individual IAB members have contributed as participants in the
community discussion, the IAB as a body is explicitly not attempting to
gauge or express an opinion on the consensus of the community.
The IAB has discussed whether it should undertake to do so for this
particular document, and noting the role of the IAB as a point of
appeal of IESG actions, its members were agreed that the task of
assessing community consensus as input to an IESG decision
remains outside the role of the IAB.

Leslie Daigle,
for the IAB.

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