Date:        Tue, 28 Jun 2005 10:23:47 -0400
    From:        Bill Sommerfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    Message-ID:  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  | assigning a "final" IPv6 option codepoint might actually be
  | counterproductive (as early behavior might be cast in code, concrete, or
  | silicon and forever burden future implentations).

>From what I gather, I think they intend to put the code for the
option into satellites, then launch them into orbit.   Planned
upates to this probably aren't all that likely.   If the option
turns out to be a dud, future implementations will just ignore it,
treat it as any other unknown option.   Code has to handle that
already, or anyone sending a bogus (or carefully planned) packet
would be able to do all kinds of harm.

The only potential cost here is the loss of an option code value,
until such time as this option is certified extinct (assuming that
it fails of course, if it succeeds, then the option would be
in active use, and no-one would want to reclaim it).


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