Anthony G. Atkielski wrote:

Michael Mealling writes:

To get specific for a moment, my suggestion here is that the IETF take a
look at what the W3C and the general web community is doing around navigation, tagging (see Technorati,, flickr), advances in
NLP that Google is working on, etc. Perhaps the solution is to tell the
world that DNS isn't really meant for your grandmother or your favorite
polititicain and instead we're going to do something at the web layer
that's more in tune with how people are actually using the Internet, not
how mail gets routed....

Do it with telephones first, as a proof of concept.  If there's still
a usable telephone network after that, then perhaps it might be worthy
of consideration for the Internet.

Being one of the co-authors of the ENUM spec, I've actually paid attention to how that's all working out. Have you checked into how Skype and VOIP in general are working internationally lately? Not an E.164 phone number anywhere in the entire thing. Its all identifiers that look like AOL screen names and peering agreements. And it seems to be working out just fine....


Michael Mealling                  Masten Space Systems, Inc.
VP Business Development                       473 Sapena Ct.
Office: +1-678-581-9656                            Suite 23
Cell: +1-678-640-6884                 Santa Clara, CA 95054

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