>>>>> "Sandy" == Sandy Wills <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Sandy> Gray, Eric wrote:
    >> It is useful sometimes to differentiate those who have no stake
    >> in a particular issue from those who are not paying attention.
    Sandy> (rest of post snipped)

    Sandy> Here I must become two-faced.

    Sandy>     Personally, I agree with you.  Often, there are many
    Sandy> shades of grey between the white and black binary choices.
    Sandy> Often, being able to communicate those shades of grey will
    Sandy> be essential to creating a usable compromise.


    Sandy>     Unfortunately, there seems to be a religious dogma
    Sandy> among the long-time IETF participants that they never take
    Sandy> votes.  All they do is judge rough or smooth concensus, and
    Sandy> that reduces our options to simple binary choices.  

I'm very confused here; as far as I can tell judging consensus works
much better with things in the middle than any sort of votes.


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