On 27Nov 2006, at 10:58 AM, Patrick Vande Walle wrote:

return reliable answers to
queries, it should also make it possible to have multiple registries for
the same TLD

Hmmm, "Reliable answers" and "multiple registries for the same TLD" in the same sentence?

Multiple registries imply multiple namespaces. That implies that there is no coherency, which I interpret as not being reliable.

CoDNS still provides a unique namespace, the same as we have now. It simply does not rely on port-53.

In fact see their FAQ (http://www.cs.cornell.edu/people/egs/beehive/ faq.html).

Will we need to purchase new names if the world switches over to CoDoNS?

No. CoDoNS serves the same name hierarchy as legacy DNS. The namespace will remain identical to what it was before.


Olaf M. Kolkman
NLnet Labs

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